Worker Cooperatives
Compañía Maximalista S.Coop.
Compañía Maximalista is based in a white village of 280 inhabitants surrounded by greenery in the southwest of Spain. It has sold consulting services to companies, administrations and foundations on three continents. Its projects and services are based on knowledge and have a strong digital and social component. It is responsible for guiding, from the planning phases to consolidation, some of the most dynamic non-profit foundations in recent years in Spain and Latin America. It is a pioneer in the fight against rural depopulation and in the promotion of worker cooperatives in the rural world.
L'Aubeenne SCOP
L'Aubeenne SRL is a worker cooperative in the making, based in Châtellerault, a city of 30,000 inhabitants in the North of New Aquitaine. They have extensive experience in digitalisation, community development, training and business management, which they complement with partnerships for team building and training. The result is a comprehensive offering that does not reduce digitalisation to the superficial, but serves to clarify processes and create equal and efficient work architectures.
Communia S.C.C.L
Communia is based in Tarrasa, a city of 220,000 inhabitants 56km from Barcelona. Communia promotes training and self-training in free technologies, the provision of infrastructures, the design of web devices to facilitate the network activities of the different communities and co-investigation and research in P2P practices. Communia offers services of: P2P strategies, web, streaming, training, and systems.
Sloboda Domena Zadruga
Slobodna domena Zadruga za otvoreni kod i dizajn is based in Zagreb, Croatia, one of the most green and beautiful historical capitals of the EU. It designs and creates open source software and graphic design projects for the market. In the social space Sloboda Domena creates, supports and launches initiatives defending and expanding the definition of commons, the democratic decision making and the social equality.